Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, September 21, 2020

Report Number: S 115/2020

Clerk’s File: MBA2020

There being no further business the meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (Heritage Act Matters) portion is adjourned at 5:44 o’clock p.m.

The Chairperson calls the Administrative Items portion of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting to order at 5:44 o’clock p.m.


11.5. Close and Convey the North/South Alley Between Northwood Street and EC Row Expressway, East of Rankin Avenue and West of Partington Avenue SAA/6065 - Applicant: South Windsor Development Co. - Ward 10

Melanie Muir, Dillon Consulting

Melanie Muir, Dillon Consulting, appears via video conference before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report “Close and Convey the North/South Alley Between Northwood Street and E.C. Row Expressway, East of Rankin Avenue and West of Partington Avenue - SAA/6065 - Applicant: South Windsor Development Co. - Ward 10” and is available for questions.

Councillor Bortolin inquires whether the concerns of residents have been resolved. Councillor Morrison indicates that the alleys are vacant land which will increase the size of their properties. Councillor Morrison indicates there aren’t any issues other than providing education to the residents regarding the process of purchasing the alley and he adds that people are not aware of the survey costs.

Moved by: Councillor Morrison

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: DHSC 200

I. THAT the portion of the 4.27 metre wide north/south alley located between Northwood Street and EC Row Expressway, east of Rankin Avenue and West of Partington Avenue, and shown on Drawing No. CC-1772 attached as Appendix “A”, BE ASSUMED for subsequent closure.