Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, September 21, 2020


7.2 ICBL Exemption 2020-10 – Titanium Trucking Services Inc. 0 Devon – Rezoning
Ward 9

Chair notes additional information submitted by Jeff Libby

Adam Szymczak (author), Planner III – Zoning, presents the application.

Jeff Libby, Manager of Windsor Operations – Titanium Trucking notes the company is actively seeking to purchase the property at the corner at 3324 Marentette, an abandoned warehouse complex. To accomplish this, both lands must be rezoned for trucking purposes. The lot in question is strictly for parking of trailers. There will be no offices or trucks/tractor trailers.

Member Gyemi inquires what the consequences of Option A or B would mean for the applicant. Mr. Libby advises that denial of the exemption would result in the cease and desist of the operation on the site and they would be required to exit the premises.

Member Gyemi to Administration seeks clarification for the Exemption when zoning will change in future which may allow for said operations. Chair Bortolin explains that is what the Exemption request is for. It is to allow the applicant to continue operating while a change of zoning for the area is in process, with the intent of allowing said operations as permissible. Mr. Gyemi is concerned that any additional mitigations would not be enforceable. Mr. Szymczak clarifies that the applicant is required to enter into an SPC Agreement, at which point SPC would require any additional mitigation measures. Denial at this stage stops operations immediately. Mr. Libby interjects advising any mitigation would be enforced. Titanium Trucking wants to be a good neighbour The lot has always been a trailer parking lot. There was never any thought there was a zoning issue.

Member Moore seeks clarification for the acquisition of the property on Marentette. Mr. Libby provides detailed information on the future prospects for the property and company’s intent.

Councillor Sleiman inquires whether anyone in the community has responded or any complaints to their Councillor or the City regarding this site? Mr. Szymczak advises there have been no complaints received. Mr. Libby has also advised they have worked with the adjacent property owners to address any concerns

Councillor Holt inquires why some applications for Exemption have been deferred until a report has come to Council? Mr. Szymczak advises, there are only two choices; denial or approval. Deferral would be the same as denying the exemption. There is a Work Order on the property. The City would have to act on that Order.