Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, September 21, 2020

Decision Number: DHSC 201

  1. THAT the portion of the 4.27 metre wide north/south alley located between Northwood Street and EC Row Expressway, east of Partington Avenue and West of Roxborough Boulevard, and shown on Drawing No. CC-1773 attached as Appendix “A”, BE ASSUMED for subsequent closure.

  2. THAT the portion of the 4.27 metre wide north/south alley located between Northwood Street and EC Row Expressway, east of Partington Avenue and West of Roxborough Boulevard, and shown on Drawing No. CC-1773 attached as Appendix “A”, BE CLOSED AND CONVEYED in two equal halves, along the centre of the subject alley, to the abutting property owners, subject to the following:

    a) Easement, subject to their being accepted in the City’s standard form and in accordance with the City’s standard practice, be granted to:

    • Enwin Utilities Ltd.

  3. THAT Conveyance Cost BE SET as follows:

    a. For alley abutting lands zoned Holding Residential HRD1.1 or Holding Residential HRD1.2: $1.00 plus deed preparation fee and proportionate share of the survey costs as invoiced to The Corporation of the City of Windsor by an Ontario Land Surveyor.

  4. THAT The City Planner BE REQUESTED to supply the appropriate legal description, in accordance with Drawing Number. CC-1773, attached as Appendix “A”.

  5. THAT The City Solicitor BE REQUESTED to prepare the necessary by-law(s).

  6. THAT The Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign all necessary documents approved as to form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor.

  7. THAT the matter BE COMPLETED electronically pursuant to By-law Number 366-2003.


Report Number: S 123/2020

11.2. Close and Convey Part of Daytona Avenue, West of 2640 Sorrento Court, South of Grand Marais Road West - Applicants: Namir Chahine and Racha Younes - SAA/5916 - Ward 1

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman