September 21, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 11.4
Additional Information

From: hee kook

Sent: Monday, September 21, 2020 9:50 AM

To: Krstevski, Daniela <>; Holt, Chris <>

Subject: Seiko homes ward 4 saa 6060

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Hello I have sent out this mail regarding of closure meeting between brant st and wyandotte st east alley way to but my mail keep getting bounced back and rejected

The meeting is today

So my stand is 100% objection of alley way closing

Good morning as a owner of 824 wyandotte St E, Windsor, ON N9A 3J6, Canada business and owner of 522 marentte ave home I strongly object closing of the alley way between brant st and wyandotte st east

As a business owner I like to some space between my business and the seiko new build

As home owner of 522 marentte avenue

I like the space that we have in backyard and easy access to my yard from brant st So I strongly object the closing of the alley away between brant st and wyandotte st east
