From: Jeff Libby
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 4:28 PM
To: Toldo, Beth < >
Cc: clerks < >
Subject: FW: September 21, 2020 Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting - Item 7.2

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Not sure if this the right procedure, if not please advise.

Upon reviewing Item 7.2, I noticed an error on page 3 of 6 ( Page 81 of the agenda )

Under Request for Exemption from ICBL it states we have been leasing the parcel since mid 2019. I had indicated in a number of correspondence that we had been leasing the subject property from mid 2017. I believe this error is significant as I want it to be clear that we were occupying the property for two years without issue before the by-law went into place in June of 2019.

Please let me know if you need anything else from me regarding this matter.

Jeff Libby - Manager, Windsor Operations
Titanium Trucking Services Inc.

“Strength Beyond Borders"

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