Appendix E- Extracts from the Standards & Guidelines for Conservation of Historic Places (S&G)
The Standards
6. Protect and,1f necessary, stabilize an histonc place until any subsequent Interven Hon is undertaken. Protect and preserve aIchaeological resources in place. Where there is potential for distuxbing archaeological resomces, take mitigation measures to limit damage and loss of information.
7. Evaluate the existing condition of character-defining elements to determine the appropriate Intervention needed. Use the gentlest means possible for any mtervention. Respect heritage value when undertaking an intervention.
8. Maintain character-defining elements on an ongoing basis. Repair character-defining elements by reinforcing their materials using recognized conservation methods. Replace in kind any extensively deteriorated or missing parts of character—defining elements, where there are surviving prototypes.
9. Make any interven tion needed to preserve ChmaaeI-deMg elements physically and visually compatible with the histonc place and identifiable on close inspection. Document any intervention for future reference.
Additional Standards Relating to Restoration
13. Repair rather than replace character-defining elements from the restoration period. Where character-defining elements are too severely deteriorated to repair and where sufficient physical evidence exists, replace them with new elements that match the fonts, materials, and detailing of sound versions of the same elements.
14. Replace missing features from the restoration period with new features whose forms, materials and details are based on sufficient physical, documentary, and/or oral evidence.