1.0 Introduction

2319576 Ontario Ltd. has purchased the lands comprised of 3945 and 3985 Dougall Avenue, located at on the northwest corner of Dougall Avenue and Roseland Drive East, and wishes to redevelop the land for Neighbourhood Commercial use, including general commercial and of•ce uses. The Applicant has submitted a corresponding application for a Zoning By-Law Amendment (ZBA) to facilitate the proposed land use. A subsequent application for Site Plan Control Approval to develop the subject lands for the planned commercial building and off-street parking will be applied for upon the approval of the zoning by-Law amendment.

The subject lands currently contain two single detached dwelling units, which are rented out, with full access driveways along Dougall Avenue and Roseland Drive East. Existing fencing and trees are along the rear property line of the subject lands. During the proposed redevelopment, the existing fencing will be preserved where desired by neighbors and compatible new privacy fencing will be provided where necessary. Existing trees will be retained, where feasible, and appropriate landscaping will be added to the site to further buffer the development from the existing residences to the west.

 A Zoning By-Law Amendment application is required to permit the proposed neighborhood commercial ’ uses. The applicant is applying for 3 Zoning By-law Amendment from Residential District 1.4 (RDl.4) to at site specific zoning district, similar to Commercial District 1.3 (CD1.3) to permit a small-scale commercial ‘ plaza with associated parking. Additionally, Site Plan Control Approval will be required for the site at the

The present conceptual Site Plan shows that the proposed development is intended to have:

The City of Windsor requested that the proponent hold a Public Information Centre (PIC) to introduce their plans for the development to the public and provide an opportunity to review conceptual plans, provide initial comment, and obtain stakeholder input on the planning and design process.

This report summarizes information related to the Public Information Centre held on Tuesday, November 11, 2018, from 5 pm to 7 pm at the Roseland Golf and Curling Club, located at 455 Kennedy Drive West in Windsor, Ontario for residents within 120m of the property limits.

A copy ofthe notice can be found in Appendix A.