Based on the above, the Planning Division deems the portion of the north/south Daytona Avenue right-of-way, west of 2640 Sorrento Court, south of Grand Marais Road West as shown as “Part 1” on Drawing CC-1763 as “Dispensable”.

It is noted that the MTO acquired a 0.3m wide property located between the MTO fence and the fence encroaching along the westerly boundary of “Part 1” as shown on Drawing CC-1763. This MTO property was formerly within the Daytona Avenue right-of-way. This property was acquired by the province by expropriation plan CE422508.

The recommendation is to close and convey “Part 1” of the Daytona Avenue right-of-way as shown on Drawing CC-1763 of the right-of-way to the applicant.

Risk Analysis:

The recommended closure will divest the City of associated liability risks and maintenance costs.

Financial Matters:

The conveyance cost for this right-of-way be set at $217.55 per square metre.


Consultations were held with Municipal Departments and Utility Companies, which resulted in the information found in attached Appendix “C”.

Public Works – Engineering requested that the subject closure be amended to exclude “Part 2” of the Daytona Avenue right-of-way as shown on Drawing CC-1763.

There were no objections from the municipal departments and utility companies for the requested alley closure.

No easements were requested by utility companies.

Notices of the meetings of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee and Council are published in the Windsor Star prior to each of the meetings. In addition, notice of each of the public meetings will be mailed to the abutting/affected property owners prior to the meetings.