Appendix ‘C’ – Consultations Table SAA/6066
Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services No concerns on closure from WFRS John Lee – Chief Fire Prevention Officer
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service has no concerns or objections with the closure being requested. Specifically, the outcome from the closure of this particular alley will not inhibit or diminish proper police emergency response capability or general patrol activities to the area in any way.
Planning – Landscape Architect There is a significant number of trees on the abutting properties immediately to the east and west of the closure, that will be impacted by any development by the application. There does not appear to be any significant to impact to trees or future bikeways by the requested alley closure. Therefore, there are no objections to the application from a Landscape Architectural perspective.
Parks & Facilities No objections or comments
Public Works – Engineering The subject alley closure is approximately 4.27m (14ft) wide, and is composed of grass. There are no sewers, manholes, or catchbasins located in the alley closure. There are wooden hydro poles, guy wires, or overhead wires located in the alley. An easement will be required for utilities. There is a variety of fences encroaching the subject alley. This alley appears to serve no useful purpose by CR146/2005; therefore, we have no objections to the closure of this alley.
Public Works – Environmental No concerns from Environmental Services.
Public Works – Transportation No concerns with closing the alley as proposed. Mike Spagnuolo – Traffic Operations.
Transit Windsor No comments received.
Bell Canada Bell Canada has no concerns with the proposed alley closure.
Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. No comments received.
Canada Post No comments received.
Rogers Communications No comments received.
Telus Communications TELUS has no infrastructure in the area of your proposed work. Permit expires six (6) months from approval date.
MNSi MNSi does NOT require any consideration for this alley closing
EnWin Utilities– Hydro Hydro Engineering: No Objection, However, ENWIN is to maintain and easement to service an ENWIN service pole with anchors at the north end of the alley
Windsor Utilities– Water Water Engineering has no objections
Union Gas No comments received.
Legal Department For alley abutting lands zoned HRD1.1 or HRD1.2: $1.00 plus deed preparation fee and proportionate share of the survey costs as invoiced to The Corporation of the City of Windsor by an Ontario Land Surveyor.