Appendix ‘C’ – Consultations Table                                SAA/6060

Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services No response received.
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service has no objections to this application and fully supports the closure. We have reviewed and commented on the site plan for the abutting property, which we understand requires acquisition of this alley as part of the redevelopment. The redevelopment in general will be a significant public safety improvement for the immediate area, as it will introduce significant positive activity generation over what existed most recently (a vacant site that was highly vulnerable to ongoing unlawful and undesirable activity). Furthermore, the alley closure will not diminish our ability to carry out police patrols or incident response activities for the site or the surrounding area.
Planning – Landscape Architect No objection from a landscape architectural perspective.
Parks & Facilities No response received.
Public Works – Engineering The subject north/south alley closure is approximately 4.8m (16.0ft) wide and composed of a mix of asphalt, gravel and grass. There are no municipal sewers or manholes located in the alley. There are hydro poles, guy wires and overhead lines located in the alley. An easement will be required for utilities. There are driveway approaches at both ends of the subject alley. If the alley is closed, a permit will be required by the owner of 840 Wyandotte Street East to maintain the driveway approach to City Standard AS-204 or remove the approach. Should the abutting owners on Brant use this access they will be required to obtain a driveway permit to complete and maintain the approach to City Standard AS-221 or AS-222. This alley is indispensable by CR146/2005; however, since the 840 Wyandotte is going through the site plan control process, we have no objections to the closure and recommend the east/west alley north of 840 Wyandotte Street East is closed as part of this application.
Public Works – Environmental No concerns from Environmental Services
Public Works – Transportation Alley is not used for vehicle or pedestrians access. It is used for parking only. No concerns with closing the entire north/south alley as proposed.
Transit Windsor  
Bell Canada Bell Canada requests an easement over the entire alley, or a strip 3.0m wide; 1.5m on either side of the facilities for the length of the alley.
Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. No response received.
Canada Post No response received.
Rogers Communications No response received.
Telus Communications TELUS has no infrastructure in the area of your proposed work. Permit expires six(6) months from approval date.