Appendix ‘C’ – Consultations Table SAA/4133

Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services No concerns from WFRS to close.
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service has no concerns or objections with the requested closure of this alley. Based on a site inspection carried out on June 11, 2020, the alley was found to be completely blocked by two vehicles. The alley is not required for carrying out police incident response or general patrolling activities, so closure is not opposed.
Planning – Landscape Architect No objection from a landscape architectural perspective.
Parks & Facilities No objections from Parks.
Public Works – Engineering The east/west portion of the alley closure is approximately 4.57m (15.0ft) wide and appears to be gravel. The north/south portion of the alley closure is approximately 2.44m (8.0ft) wide and composed mostly of gravel. The alley appears to be used for parking access for 1370 Oak St. If the alley is closed, a permit will be required by the owner of 1370 Oak Street to maintain the existing driveway approach and to hard surface the driveway as per AS-221 or AS-222. There are hydro poles and overhead wires located on the east side of the N/S alley; an easement is required for the utilities. There are no sewers, manholes, or catchbasins located in the alley closure. This alley appears to serve no useful purpose by CR146/2005; therefore, we have no objections to the closure of this alley.
Public Works – Environmental No concerns from Environmental Services.
Public Works – Transportation Alley appears to have already been narrowed and serves no purpose for vehicles. Closing alley as proposed will cut access from both ends. Consideration should be given to close the remainder of the alley, especially on the longer leg north to Montrose.
Transit Windsor No comments received.
Bell Canada Bell Canada requests an easement over the entire alley to provide access to existing aerial facilities at the rear of 1370 Oak.
Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. No comments received.