APPENDIX ‘E’ Classification of Alleys and Suitability for Closure SAA/6065

Classification of Public Rights-of-Ways:

Currently streets and alleys fall into four classifications on the basis of their usefulness:

(1) Alleys that are indispensable. These would be alleys serving commercial properties and properties fronting on heavily traveled streets i.e. major arterial routes and alleys which contain sewers and must remain accessible for servicing; alleys or streets which serve as the only vehicular means of access to rear parking areas and garages where the property has insufficient lot width for a side drive; and, alleys which contain Fire Department connections that are deemed to be necessary for firefighting access.

(2) Alleys that, have some usefulness, are nevertheless dispensable and may or may not be a complete liability.

(3) Alleys that appear to serve no useful purpose, either now, or anticipated. Such alleys are in residential areas and locations where generally the lots are wide enough for side drives, or those alleys abutting parks and other parcels of land that do not require any servicing from the alley. Remnant or stub-end streets which are dead-ended and do not serve as access to other streets.

(4) Alleys lying in Holding zones and other similar undeveloped areas where the alley system is clearly obsolete and has never been developed, but where the City needs to keep its options open until new area plans are prepared and development is imminent.

Suitability for Closing:

Following are the criteria and suitability for closing alleys in each of the above classificatio ns.