The property has undergone restoration/repair through the past centuries including in the 1980s and 1990s, restoration of the front porch, and roof replacements. The City of Windsor has provided heritage funding for these projects in the past, therefore there are two conservation easements on the property.

The current property owners (Aléthinos Properties Ltd with Aloha and Reid Johnson being the registered Owners) acquired the property in the past few years to redevelop the property into a four unit dwelling. Heritage Committee and City Council reviewed the Heritage Alteration Permit to allow for partial demolition and a new enclosed stairwell addition in fall 2019 (CR501/2019):

  1. That the Heritage Alteration Permit for the enclosed stairway addition proposed at the Mason-Girardot Manor, 3203 Peter Street, BE APPROVED for Option 2 of Appendix C; and 

  2. That all approvals BE SUBJECT to the following prior to issuance of building permits, as determined by the City Planner or his designee:

    1. Provision of an Implementation and Monitoring Plan as detailed within this report;

    2. That a Conservation Plan be provided, including detailed conservation notes and specifications, to the satisfaction of the City Planner or his designate;

    3. The owner shall enter into an amended Heritage Conservation Easement with the City which indicates that the alteration of paint colour is to be approved by the Heritage Planner, or if necessary, be reviewed by Heritage Committee and approved by Council;

    4. Provision and approval of building material samples and colour samples by the City Planner or his designate to be confirmed on site;

    5. Final approval of Rezoning and Site Plan Control applications.


  3. That the City Planner or his designate BE DELEGATED the authority to approve minor changes to the heritage alterations for this property.

The applicant has since been working on fulfilling the conditions of the Heritage Alteration Permit approval. The agent for the proponent (ADA) has worked closely with City staff on a number of the conservation items. Windows were a large part of the discussion and the recommendation is a result of discussions. The Community Heritage Fund Application can be found in Appendix B.

Legal Provisions:

The Ontario Heritage Act (OHA) requires the owner of a heritage designated property to apply to Council to alter the property. The designation by-law includes reasons for designation (see Appendix ‘A’). In accordance with the OHA, changes to designated