Parks Department for the City Forester to provide trees elsewhere in the city to compensate for the urban canopy loss.

Parkland Dedication:

The usual requirement of cash-in-lieu for 5% parkland dedication for residential development as per By-law 12780 and the Planning Act is required.

Detailed landscape requirements to be provided at the time of site plan review.

Based on the Proposed Site Plan provided in the package along with the information found in the Tree Survey and Preservation Plan prepared by Bezaire Partners, as well as the Requirements for trees outlined in the current Landscape Manual for Development (4th edition) which states: One 75mm tree for every 10m of street frontage, or one 75mm tree for every 250sm of hard or soft landscaped area (whichever is greater), plus equal size diameter for any trees greater than 100mm (4inch) caliper. removed from site, the following information is provided:

The total required trees for Site Plan Approval would be 30 trees (or a total of 2148 mm caliper at breast height). Given the proposed reduced landscape area it estimated that between 17-20 trees would be able to be supported on the site. Without a landscape concept plan, it would be fair to determine that there would need to be compensation for at least ten to thirteen trees at 70mm (3 inch) caliper at a rate pf $450.00 per tree.

The requirement for the Zoning Application may be best written as follows: The owner is to provide a minimum total of thirty (30) 70mm caliper trees on the developed as a condition of Site Plan Approval. If the owner's landscape plan cannot support the minimum requirement of trees, then any deficiency to that requirement is to be compensated with Cash-in-lieu to the Parks Department (for trees to be planted elsewhere in the city) at a rate of $450 per tree that is not able to be planted on the site."

Enbridge Gas

Enbridge Gas has no concerns with the proposed development. We have existing mains on both Lauzon and Edgar. Please call for locates prior to construction commencing.