managing and sub-contracting the work, substantial savings are being achieved for. This component would be another reason for the lower than expected cost for the scope of work in the NB Property Restorations Quote.

It does not appear that the Church has ever received any heritage funding support from the City since its designation in 2001. The Church provided additional supporting reasons for their request in the BHF application (Appendix B). Given the Church is a registered Canadian charity, it also does not have ability to tap into the Heritage Property Tax Reduction Program. Without having conducted a comprehensive condition assessment, the Church has current estimates of exterior and interior work cost to be approximately $450,000, and the Church may return to request for additional heritage funding in the future. However, the focus now is on this first phase of stabilization efforts. The grant desired by the Church is the full amount for the repair to the roofing, flashing, windows, masonry and concrete. The quote is $139,000 and with HST would total to $157,070.

The repair costs are significant for a small non-profit organization. Administration recommends that amounts at 50% of the NB Property Restorations Quote be granted to support continual stabilization of this heritage building. The 50% cost of work recommendation has been approved by City Council on some other heritage properties. This building is very outstanding and rare in architectural value and is to be considered as a building with very significant heritage value in Windsor. It is believed to be the only church building in the Art-Deco Style of its kind in Canada, with many exterior and interior heritage features. Administration also supports a high grant amount given that the NB Property Restorations Quote in itself is actually a reduced amount of the actual cost given the donated labour considered in the quote, as described by Father Chadi.

Therefore, the total recommended grant (including HST) is 50% of the total cost at $78,535.

As of August 27, 2020, the available balance of the Built Heritage Fund (Reserve Fund 155) above obligations is $283,610.


The Heritage Planner and Adam Coates, Planner III- Senior Urban Designer have been consulting with Owner’s representative since mid July of 2020. Don Nantais, Financial Planning Administrator, assisted with confirmation of fund balance.


A total grant amount of $78, 535 from the Built Heritage Fund (Reserve Fund 155), for conservation work for the roofing, flashing, windows, masonry and concrete at 166 Tecumseh Road West should be approved, subject to conditions. The heritage alteration for the installation of flashing over the original windows is recommended for approval to control water damage at the Church. Alteration permission is requested for the Concrete Entrances, as well as delegated authority to the City Planner or designate to approve further restoration work that is in progress.