OP Volume 1 – Primary Plan

6. Land Use

6.0 Preamble

A healthy and livable city is one in which people can enjoy a vibrant economy and a sustainable healthy environment in safe, caring and diverse neighbourhoods. In order to ensure that Windsor is such a city, Council will manage development through an approach which balances environmental, social and economic considerations. As such, the Land Use chapter of this Plan promotes a compact urban form and directs compatible development to appropriate locations within existing and future neighbourhoods.

This chapter of the Official Plan provides goals, objectives and policies for the land use designations identified on Schedule D: Land Use and Schedule E: City Centre Planning District and should be read in conjunction with the other parts of the Plan.

6.1 Goals

In keeping with the Strategic Directions, Council’s land use goals are to achieve:

NEIGHBOURHOODS 6.1.1 Safe, caring and diverse neighbourhoods.
ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE 6.1.2 Environmentally sustainable urban development.
RESIDENTIAL 6.1.3 Housing suited to the needs of Windsor’s residents.
EMPLOYMENT 6.1.4 The retention and expansion of Windsor’s employment base.
COMMERCIAL 6.1.5 Convenient and viable areas for the purchase and sale of goods and services.
INSTITUTIONAL 6.1.6 An integration of institutions within Windsor’s neighbourhoods.
OPEN SPACE 6.1.7 A variety of open space areas.
WATERFRONT 6.1.8 An accessible Detroit River, Lake St. Clair and a healthy waterfront.