This Planning Justification Report (PJR) has been prepared in support of Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) applications by Suburban Construction & Management Ltd. (“SCML”) to permit the development of a four storey, 36 unit residential apartment building with associated parking at 1135 Lauzon Road, Windsor ON (the “subject lands”).

A Pre-Submission application was made on February 27, 2020 and the City of Windsor provided correspondence dated March 18, 2020 summarizing the required supporting studies. A pre-consultation meeting was not held; however, discussions were held between SCML and the City on the nature of the proposal. A concept site plan (“site plan”) has been prepared and submitted in support of the applications depicting the location of the proposed apartment building, parking area and general site characteristics.


The subject lands consist of a single, irregular shaped parcel of land located at the southwest corner of Lauzon Road and Edgar Street. The lands have frontage of approximately 57.7 m along Edgar Street, depth of approximately 75 m along Lauzon Road, and an area of approximately 4,575 m2. An unoccupied dwelling is located at the northeast corner of the subject lands; the remainder of the lands are vacant (Figure 1). Site Plan application SPC 034/08 was approved for the land permitting the development of a 1,113 m2 pharmacy and associated surface parking, however it was never developed.

The subject lands have frontage along Lauzon Road, a Class I Arterial Road, are on full municipal services, and are located approximately 650 m from Little River Park. Vehicular access is provided via Edgar Street, a Class II Collector Road, to a concrete driveway connected to the unoccupied dwelling. Public sidewalks border the subject lands along Lauzon Road and Edgar Street. Access to public transit is available along Lauzon Road and Little River Boulevard (Crosstown 2, Lauzon 10), providing connections to the downtown and nearby residential areas.