human, and whether the remains constitute a part of a crime scene. The Local police or coroner will then notify the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and the Registrar at the Ministry of Consumer Services if needed, and notification and satisfactory confirmation be given by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.


We are in receipt of your Site Plan Application, Z-014/19; ZNG/5898 dated August 30, 2019. We have reviewed the documents concerning the noted Plan and have no comments or concerns at this time. Our preliminary review considers issues affecting Hydro One’s 'High Voltage Facilities and Corridor Lands' only.

For proposals affecting 'Low Voltage Distribution Facilities’ please consult your local area Distribution Supplier.

To confirm if Hydro One is your local distributor please follow the following link:

Please select “ Service Territory Overly” and locate address in question by entering the address or by zooming in and out of the map.

If Hydro One is your local area Distribution Supplier, please contact Customer Service at 1-888- 664-9376 or e-mail to be connected to your Local Operations Centre.

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT – Stefan Fediuk, Sep. 20, 2019

Pursuant to the application for a zoning amendment (Z-014/19, ZNG/5898; 2319576 Ontario Ltd., 3985 &3945 Dougall Avenue) to permit change of zoning from RD1.4 to CD1.3 on the subject, please note no objections. Please also note the following comments:

Zoning Provisions for Parking Setback:

A landscape buffer would be required as part of a future site plan, between the development and the existing residential property to the north (3935 Dougall Avenue). Similarly, a buffer would be required along the residential properties along Kennedy Drive East. In order to accommodate the above referenced landscape setback, it is recommended that the sidewalk abutting the northern face of the building, and the separation between the loading space and parking space 43, be eliminated.

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