The applicant’s provided Planning Justification Report prepared by Zelinka Priamo Ltd. speaks to the project’s compliance with the Zoning Bylaw and the required amendment in Section 3.3 (page 15) of their report (see Appendix B).

Issues to be resolved:

The site is subject to site plan control. If this application is approved, many of the requirements raised by municipal departments and agencies, including site-servicing issues and storm water management, will be resolved through that process. Noise mitigation measures, a land conveyance for a required corner cut at the intersection of Edgar Street and Lauzon Road, and a minimum number of trees are included in the Recommendation section of this report for inclusion in a Site Plan Control Agreement.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters : N/A

Consultations :

Appendix C contains comments from departments and agencies. The applicant will be required to submit additional information at the time of Site Plan Control to address comments from Transportation Planning and Landscaping. Noise mitigation, land conveyance, and landscaping provisions are to be included in the site plan agreement. Furthermore, additional comments provided by Administrative Departments that pertain directly to the development of the site will be provided to the Site Plan process should this application be approved.

Public Notice:

The statutory notice was advertised in the Windsor Star Newspaper and all properties within 120m (400 feet) of the subject parcel received courtesy notice by mail prior to the Development and Heritage Standing Committee (DHSC) meeting.


The Planning Justification Report (see Appendix B) submitted by the applicant’s planning consultant provides sufficient information and supporting reasons why the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment should be approved. Additionally, staff have reviewed proposal and evaluated its consistency with the PPS, City of Windsor Official Plan, and comments from municipal staff and outside agencies.

In my professional opinion, both the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment as proposed in the recommendations of this report are consistent with the Policies of the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 and maintain conformity with the City of Windsor Official Plan.