The City’s Built Heritage Fund (Reserve Fund 155) exists to provide grants to special projects on designated heritage properties.


Property Description:

The church building and rectory is located on Tecumseh Road West, on the northeast corner of Victoria Avenue with both exterior and interior designated features. It was built in 1930-31, designed by renowned local architect Albert H. Lothian in an exotic Art Deco style with buff brick, aluminum spire and coping, faceted oval-shaped main room, and angular projected windows.

The exterior and interior of the building has experienced deterioration with water penetration issues. Photographs of the property are compiled in Appendix D.


The intent of the conservation work proposed is to address the immediate and urgent issues of water/moisture penetration into the building through the roof, walls, and windows, and provide stabilization of the building against further deterioration.

The proposal involves the following work:

Appendix D shows some of the condition of the property and some of the work already conducted. Unfortunately, the full restoration to rectify all of the issues properly would cost a substantially large amount that the Church is not able to afford. The current solutions are stabilization methods, mostly to stop water penetration into the building envelope, and considered viable and reasonable attempts to address the immediate conservation issues. Interior restoration work and repairs are not part of the scope of the current work due to cost reasons. The condition of the tower and repairs needed there have also not been assessed by a structural engineer and is not part of the scope of this Heritage Fund Request. The Church will be advised to engage in a qualified heritage professional to consider the condition assessment comprehensively.

Relevant reference has been made to the Standards & Guidelines for Conservation of Historic Places (S&G in Appendix E) for the proposed work scope, and City staff have