(e) To accommodate a minimum density of 200 residents and 200 jobs per net hectare;

The minimum density for new residential-only development is 80 units per net hectare.


  1. Regional Commercial Centres;
  2. Regional Institutional Centres;
  3. Regional Employment Centres; and
  4. Regional Open Space System.

These types of nodes are considered to be sub-regional in the context of Windsor and were originally planned as single-use facilities that have evolved into multi-use urban areas with a variety of densities. Typically, these nodes are currently or have the potential to be important destinations within the regional public transit network. Future residential development and redevelopment at Major Activity Centres should be medium (30 units per net hectare) to high-density (80+ units per net hectare). Residential intensification is desired at or near Major Activity Centres. Development surrounding these locations will be subject to the preparation of a Secondary Plan or plan of subdivision.

  1. Regional Commercial Centres

    Regional Commercial Centres are a type of Major Activity Centre where commercial services are provided to residents across the city and region. This type of node also provides the location for serving the daily and weekly shopping needs of residents living within or near the node. Regional Commercial Centres may also function as employment centres providing population serving offices, retail, personal services and local institutions.

    In the future these nodes should function as vibrant mixed-use commercial-residential neighbourhoods serving a higher density of population. Ideally, the predominant form of new or redeveloped housing should be medium and high-density residential buildings with ground floor and possibly second floor commercial uses and upper floor residential dwellings.

  2. Regional Institutional Centres

    Regional Institutional Centres are a type of Major Activity Centre where institutional services are provided to residents across the