Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, August 10, 2020

before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report “University Avenue West and Wyandotte Street West Community Improvement Plan – Background Report, Ward 2 and Ward 3” and indicates that the CIP was requested by Council and that this background report looks at all of the properties that front along those corridors, and lays out the current conditions and existing characteristics of that area. Ms. Diotte adds that the next steps will be evaluating the properties and what will be included in the CIP.

Councillor Morrison requests clarification related to the parkland in that area. Ms. Diotte indicates that the area is referring to the Official plan designation for the entire area which is a broad designation that encompasses that entire area according to the Official Plan.

Councillor Morrison inquires about the zoning in that area. Ms. Diotte confirms that the current designation is shown and if it was to be changed an application would have to come forward.

Councillor Bortolin inquires about timing related to the Environmental Assessment for that area and the Community Improvement Plan. Ms. Diotte confirms that the Environmental Assessment is scheduled to be in line with the CIP with the reports are due back to Council/Standing Committee in November.

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: DHSC 190

THAT the University Avenue West and Wyandotte Street West Community Improvement Plan – Background Report attached as Appendix A BE RECEIVED for information; and,

THAT City Council REFER the matter of funding for financial incentives for the University Avenue West and Wyandotte Street West Community Improvement Plan to the 2021 Budget process.

Report Number: S 101/2020

Clerk’s File: SPL/10759

11.2. Downtown CIP Grant Application under the Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program made by Sarah Cipkar for 524 Bruce Avenue, Ward 3

Councillor Morrison requests clarification related to taxation and deferring for 5 or 10 years. Ms. Diotte, confirms it is for 5 years, which is the base timeline for the CIP and provides criteria for the 10 years including being a catalyst project which have many criteria before being considered for the 10 year timeline and adds that this application would not meet the criteria for being a catalyst and would therefore be subject to the 5 year timeline.