Excerpts from Zoning By-law 8600 are attached as Appendix C. The parcel is zoned Manufacturing District 1.1 (MD1.1) which permits a range of light industrial uses and a limited range of commercial uses. MD1.1 does not permit a Transport Terminal as a main use. It is only permitted as an accessory use to a permitted main use. This distinction between main use and accessory use is an issue that the study will examine.

A rezoning application is required to permit a Transport Terminal as an additional permitted main use. If a rezoning is approved by Council, a Transport Terminal on the parcel is subject to site plan control.

The exemption is consistent with the direction of the Official Plan. However, Transport Terminal is NOT permitted as a main use in the MD1.1 zoning.

The parcel has access to Howard Avenue and Provincial Road, both Class I Arterial Roads. Howard Avenue and Provincial Road are designated Truck Routes and provide access to the EC Row Expressway, approximately 2 km driving distance to the northwest and to Highway 401, approximately 4.4 km driving distance to the southeast.

The proposed Transport Terminal will have minimal impact on surrounding infrastructure.

The parcel is adjacent to residential uses to the east located on Woodlawn Avenue and Parkwood Avenue. A newer residential subdivision is located on Kamloops Street and Hallee Crescent to the southeast. The residential uses are a sensitive land use.

Vacant industrial land is located to the south. To the southwest is Tilbury Concrete. To the west, northwest and north are a mix of industrial uses, including the main facility of Titanium Trucking Services Inc. at 3315 Devon Drive. Devonshire Mall is located 600 m to the northwest.

The proposed Transport Terminal IS proximate to a sensitive land use.

The proximity of sensitive land uses is a concern. The potential conflict between the Transport Terminal use and the sensitive land uses is an issue that the Transport Terminal Study will examine. Staff report C 102/19 that recommended implementation of the Interim Control By-law stated that:

“The main purposes of doing the study is to ensure that Transport Terminal is appropriately permitted or prohibited, that the provisions for a Transport Terminal are consistent with the policy direction of the Official Plan, and that a Transport Terminal is not detrimental to surrounding existing and potential land uses.”

While the applicant intends to primarily store trailers on that part of the parcel that is currently paved, additional mitigation measures may be required to permit a Transport Terminal on the property. This is an issue that the study will examine.

There is a likelihood that additional mitigation measures may be necessary to permit a Transport Terminal.