APPENDIX B - Exemption Request from Applicant

From: Jeff Libby
Sent: July 2, 2020 4:28 PM
To: Szymczak, Adam
<> Cc: Robertson, Neil<> <>; Hunt, Thom<></></>
<><><> Subject: RE: Titanium Trucking - 0 Devon Drive - Rezoning</></></>

Thanks Adam,

Thom, as per the email below I will put this request in a email format and include the below chain as far back as January of this year.

To catch you up a bit: Titanium Trucking Services Inc. has been leasing the subject property since mid 2017, we have been parking our trailers there from this time without issue. We park our tractors and conduct all operations across the street at our main terminal at 3315 Devon Dr.

In mid 2019 we were made aware of the new bylaw that controls the operation or creation of new transport terminals within the city. We were also made aware that the subject property has the incorrect zoning for a trucking terminal or trailer parking. It has always been our position that this property was constructed as and has always been a transportation terminal and is not a “new” trucking terminal.

In April of 2019 I started the process to rezone the subject property, I have submitted a Development Application Pre-Submission Form in April and received no objections from Enwin Utilities, Windsor Fire and Windsor Police.

I have submitted a Zoning By-Law Amendment Application in June of 2019, I had a meeting with Adam in September of 2019 regarding the zoning application, we discussed that the By-law will need to be amended for this property before the zoning application can be processed.

I continued to work on this into the new year with the last correspondence in January (see below), needless to say with the Covid situation everything on this has been stalled from moving forward.

The bigger picture or plan at play here is our interest in possibly buying the vacant warehouse and property at 3324 Marentette. As we are all aware this property has been a sore spot for the City of Windsor and the surrounding neighbourhood for decades. Our intent is to bring this property back to a functional warehouse terminal, as the property borders our current property this will be a natural extension to our current terminal. I have been in talks with the current owner over the last year and they are as interested in getting this problem off their books as we are in acquiring it.

The first step in the whole plan is to deal with the By-law and zoning issue. With the trailer parking lot being part of the overall property package one cannot be sold with out the other. As I explained in my email last month (see below) I have developed a bit of relationship with a few of the home owners on Woodlawn Ave. we have had ongoing discussions regarding any concerns with the property and there are currently no known concerns from any of the property owners that are directly behind the lot.

I have made it clear to both the City of Windsor and to the property owners that it our intent to be the best neighbours possible and any concerns now or in the future will be addressed to everyone’s satisfaction.

Thom, please advise if this email has provided enough information to formally request an exemption from the current By-law to help move this process forward. Thank you for your attention in this matter.