Our end goal has not changed, the intent is to first get this property rezoned and then explore the opportunity to purchase and develop the adjacent abandon warehouse and corner property.

Adam; please advise on the next step to move this process forward.

Dante; knowing we are actively attempting to rezone this property and there are no current issues what is the process to extend the date of the bylaw notice.

Thanks for all your help in this matter and I look forward to your response.

Jeff Libby - Manager, Windsor Operations
Titanium Trucking Services Inc.
P: 519-967-3503 | M: 519-796-9168 | jeff.libby@ttgi.com | “Strength Beyond Borders"From: Jeff Libby <jeff.libby@ttgi.com>
Sent: January 16, 2020 3:59 PM
To: Szymczak, Adam <aszymczak@citywindsor.ca>
Subject: RE: Titanium Trucking - 0 Devon Drive - Rezoning

Adam, now that the holiday’s are behind us I am picking this up again. Quick refresher: the rezoning of the trailer parking yard on Devon Dr. that we have been parking in since 2017.

After going through the emails something caught my eye that I would like to discuss further. In the attached mail it mentions “it may be to our advantage to hold a public meeting to gauge support for the rezoning”, with regards to trucking no one is going to support a trucking terminal in their back yard, this goes without saying. I get the concept of the new bylaw that came into effect last June to control the popping up of new trucking terminals without public input but our position has always been that this property has always been a trucking yard from the day is was constructed and as such is not a “new trucking terminal. We have been parking our trailers here for three years now without issue.

All this being said I would like to discuss our options to proceed forward without a public meeting. There are nine homes that back up to the yard in question and at the end of the day these are the only homes impacted. I was curious if it would be more productive to approach these specific homes and get input on any concerns they may have and then could be be specifically addressed. As I have stated it’s our intention to be the best neighbour possible and minimize any impact to adjacent homes.

Please give me your thoughts and if needed I can be available at any time to discuss further either by phone or I can come to your office if that’s a better option.

Thanks for your time Adam

Jeff Libby - Manager, Windsor Operations
Titanium Trucking Services Inc.
P: 519-967-3503 | M: 519-796-9168 | jeff.libby@ttgi.com |
"Strength Beyond Borders"