(b) Use stormwater management measures which prevent siltation and erosion and do not negatively impact the water quality of receiving watercourses;

(c) Consider, where appropriate, enhancing the vegetation, wildlife habitats and corridors in and along the stormwater management system and the receiving watercourse; and

(d) Consider, where appropriate, providing public access to and along the stormwater management system and receiving watercourses for recreation.

A Stormwater Retention Brief (the “Brief”) has been submitted in support of the proposed applications as required by staff. The Brief addresses the requirements of this policy.

The proposed applications conform to the policies of the City of Windsor OP. The application to re-designate from Commercial Corridor to Residential on Schedule D – Land Use is appropriate. The proposed development is compatible with the adjacent Residential – Low Profile lands to the west and Commercial Corridor lands to the north and south from a density and land use perspective. The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing, height, siting, orientation, setbacks, parking, and amenity areas.

3.3 ZONING BY-LAW 8600

The subject lands are zoned Commercial District (CD2.1) in Zoning By-law 8600 (Figure 5). A ZBA to re-zone the subject lands from Commercial District (CD2.1) to Residential District 3.1 Special Provision (RD3.1(X)) in Zoning By-law 8600 is proposed. A summary of the RD3.1 regulations and the concept site plan is noted below:

Regulation RD3.1 Zone Concept Site Plan
Permitted Use Multiple Dwelling Multiple Dwelling
Min Lot Frontage (Edgar) 18 m 57.7 m
Min Lot Area 2,617 m2 4,574 m2
Max Lot Coverage 35% 22.80%
Building Height 14 m 16 m
Min Front Yard Depth (Edgar) 6 m 3 m
Min Rear Yard Depth 7.5 m 14.1 m
Min Side Yard Width (West) 6 m 23.47 m
Min Side Yard Width (Lauzon) 3 m 6.18 m
Min Landscape Open Space 35% 31.40%

The following Special Provisions for the RD3.1 zone are requested: