- (e) compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing, height, siting, orientation, setbacks, parking and landscaped areas; and
- (f) acceptable in terms of the proposal’s market impacts on other commercial areas (see Procedures chapter).
- The following guidelines shall be considered when evaluating the proposed design of a Commercial Corridor development:
- the ability to achieve the associated policies as outlined in the Urban Design chapter of this Plan;
- the provision of appropriate landscaping or other buffers to enhance:
- all parking lots, and outdoor loading and service areas; and
- the separation between the use and adjacent sensitive uses, where appropriate;
- all parking lots, and outdoor loading and service areas; and
- as a general rule, the height of buildings are consistent with the height of buildings which characterize the Commercial Corridor. Where Council deems it desirable that higher profile development be permitted in an existing Commercial Corridor, the development should be built at a human scale by utilizing one or both of the following measures:
- treatment of the lower floors of building(s) to provide continuity; and/or
- setting back the upper floors of building(s) from the street to avoid overpowering effects at-grade;
- treatment of the lower floors of building(s) to provide continuity; and/or
- where possible, parking is located in the rear of the property to encourage continuous building facades adjacent to the street; and
- measures are taken in site design which provide for ease of access for pedestrians between the public sidewalk and building main entrances in a manner which is distinguishable from access provided for vehicles.
- the ability to achieve the associated policies as outlined in the Urban Design chapter of this Plan;