amendment is proposing to decrease housing supply so as to increase commercial use in the neighbourhood. Consequently, the proposed amendment is not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statements regarding “increase in housing supply and densities”.

Based on the above analysis, the proposed neighbourhood commercial use at the subject location is not consistent with the PPS 2020.


As noted in the City of Windsor Official Plan, Volume 1, “the Land Use chapter of this Plan promotes a compact urban form and directs compatible development to appropriate locations within existing and future neighbourhoods.” Refer to attached Appendix B – Excerpts from Official Plan Vol. 1.

The key phrase is “appropriate locations”. The question is whether the subject lands are appropriate locations for the proposed neighbourhood commercial development. This planning analysis suggests that the nearby existing commercial corridor uses make the subject lands not appropriate locations for the proposed neighbourhood commercial development.

The subject lands are within an area designated “Residential” in Schedule D: Land Use, Official Plan (OP) Volume 1. Relevant OP Residential Land Use Objectives and Policies are discussed below.

Relevant Residential Land Use Objectives:

To promote compact neighbourhoods (, selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification initiatives ( and provide for complimentary services and amenities which enhance the quality of residential areas (

The subject neighbourhood is built-up and is reasonably a compact neighbourhood. The subject lands are presently occupied by low-density residential dwellings which could benefit from City Council`s recent approval of Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs). The ADU provision, in this instance, provides the opportunity to increase the number of dwelling units from 2 units to 6 units on the subject lands (meaning 3 units per property) without needing to submit a rezoning application or site plan approval.

The subject neighbourhood already has complementary services and amenities as evidenced in the Surrounding Uses section of this report. There are a variety of commercial uses already available in the surrounding area (examples include retail, restaurant, personal service shops and office uses), which provide the day-to-day needs of area residents and beyond. Table 1 on page 7 of this report provides a comprehensive list of the existing variety of commercial uses in close proximity to the subject lands. These existing commercial uses also enhance the quality of life within the subject residential area.

Relevant Residential Land Use Policies:

Permitted Uses within the Residential Land Use designation include Low, Medium and High Profile dwelling units. The Official Plan classifies the Low Profile Housing developments into two types: