Food Outlet - Take-out

Duplex Dwelling

Medical Office

Semi-Detached Dwelling

Personal Service Shop

Single Unit Dwelling

Professional Studio

Tourist Home

Repair Shop - Light

Any use accessory to the preceding uses.



Retail Store

There are existing commercial uses in the subject area of the City, as noted already in this report and shown in Table 1 (page 7) of this report. The existing RD1.4 already permits low profile residential developments of the single unit dwelling type. Though the applicant’s development proposal is for a neighbourhood commercial use (retail building) on the subject land, the requested zoning (CD1.3) would permit commercial uses and low to medium density residential uses as noted above.

The applicant’s concept plan shows a proposed retail building (483 sq.m.) with 43 proposed motor vehicle parking spaces on the subject lands. The zoning by-law requires only 21 parking spaces for the proposed retail development. The proposed extra paved surface is not desirable.

The proposed CD1.3 zoning requires 15% landscaped open space for the commercial development. The 15% landscaped open space would not complement the surrounding established residential lands that have generally been developed with significant landscaped open space areas.

The impact of the requested neighbourhood commercial development, extension of an existing commercial corridor or the creation of a new commercial corridor on the immediate residential neighbourhood is typically defined as “Commercial Creep”.

For all the reasons noted already in this report it is difficult for administration to support this amendment that would permit the proposed neighbourhood commercial uses on the subject land.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters: