SCML is proposing to develop a four storey, 36 unit residential apartment building with associated parking as depicted in the concept site plan included with this submission (Figure 3). The apartment building is proposed to be setback 6.18 m from Lauzon Road, 3 m from Edgar Street and positioned to toward the intersection.

50 parking spaces are proposed along the west and south side of the building, with vehicular access provided via a driveway from Edgar Street. 34 parking spaces will be surface parking including accessible spaces, and 16 spaces adjacent to the low-density residential dwellings along St. Paul Avenue will be covered in two separate garages. The garages are intended to provide a buffer between the proposed apartment building and adjacent low-density residential dwellings along St. Paul Avenue. A sidewalk connection to Edgar Street is proposed, with the main building entrance provided off the parking area to the west. Loading is proposed near the southwest corner of the building.