Municipal Infrastructure


Provincial Policy Statement, 2020

The Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (PPS) provides direction on matters of provincial interest related to planning. The Planning Act requires that all land use decisions be consistent with the PPS. The following is an overview of the applicable PPS policies and how the recommendations in this report are consistent with the PPS.

1.1 Managing and Directing Land Use to Achieve Efficient and Resilient Development and Land Use Patterns

1.1.1 Healthy, liveable and safe communities are sustained by:

a) promoting efficient development and land use patterns which sustain the financial well-being of the Province and municipalities over the long term;

b) accommodating an appropriate affordable and market-based range and mix of residential types (including single-detached, additional residential units, multi-unit housing, affordable housing and housing for older persons), employment (including industrial and commercial), institutional (including places of worship, cemeteries and long-term care homes), recreation, park and open space, and other uses to meet long-term needs;

c) avoiding development and land use patterns which may cause environmental or public health and safety concerns;

d) avoiding development and land use patterns that would prevent the efficient expansion of settlement areas in those areas which are adjacent or close to settlement areas;

e) promoting the integration of land use planning, growth management, transit-supportive development, intensification and infrastructure planning to achieve cost-