d) Screening fence minimum 1.8 metres in height and landscaping shall be installed along the westerly lot line.

[ZDM 14; ZNG/6081]”

3. That the following items BE REFERRED to the Site Plan Review Committee, for inclusion in a Site Plan Control Agreement:

i) Mitigation measures as identified in noise report by JJ Acoustic Engineering Ltd. dated April 9th 2020.

ii) A gratuitous land conveyance for a 6.1m x 6.1m corner cut-off at the intersection of Lauzon Road and Edgar Street.

iii) The owner is to provide a minimum total of thirty (30) 70mm caliper trees on the site as a condition of Site Plan Approval. If the owner's landscape plan cannot support the minimum requirement of trees, then any deficiency to that requirement is to be compensated with Cash-in-lieu to the Parks Department (for trees to be planted elsewhere in the city) at a rate of $450 per tree that is not able to be planted on the site.

Executive Summary:


Background :

Location: 7887 Edgar Street (corner of Edgar Street and Lauzon Road)

Ward:      6 

Planning District: Riverside

Zoning District Map : 14


Christian LeFave of Suburban Construction and Management Ltd.


An application has been received for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment on the lands located at 7887 Edgar Street, legally described as CON. 1; PT LOT 127; PLAN 980; PT LOTS 20 TO 24; PT CLOSED ALLEY; RP 12R24215; PARTS 1; 7 & 8. The site area is 0.46 ha with 61 m of frontage on Edgar Street. The site is located within the “Commercial Corridor” Land Use Designation within the City of Windsor Official Plan and is zoned Commercial District 2.1(CD2.1).

The applicant requests a Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment to permit a residential use building, proposing a four storey, 36 unit residential apartment building with associated parking as shown on Appendix A. Specifically, the applicant requests the following amendments to permit the proposed residential use building: