the area will increase the demand for and use of the existing transit routes in proximity to the site. Planning authorities shall identify appropriate locations and promote opportunities for transit-supportive development, accommodating a significant supply and range of housing options through intensification and redevelopment where this can be accommodated taking into account existing building stock or areas, including brownfield sites, and the availability of suitable existing or planned infrastructure and public service facilities required to accommodate projected needs.

The City of Windsor Official Plan contains an Urban Structure Plan showing a Regional Commercial Centre at the intersection of Tecumseh Road and Lauzon Parkway, to the south of the subject site. Additionally, Lauzon Road is identified as a “Civic Way” in the Civic Image in Schedule G. The policies that correspond to these identifications provide for higher density and a mix of uses.

The applicant’s provided Planning Justification Report prepared by Zelinka Priamo Ltd. speaks to the project’s compliance with the PPS 2020 in Section 3.1 (page 5) of their report (see Appendix B).

City of Windsor Official Plan

The subject properties are located within the Riverside Planning District as identified on Schedule A: Planning Districts & Policy Areas. The subject site is identified as “Commercial Corridor” land use designation as shown on Schedule D: Land Use Plan to Volume I of the City of Windsor Official Plan. The proposal is to change the Land Use designation to “Residential” which does not require any changes to the planning district or an additional special policy area.

The Official Plan contains a Schedule J: Urban Structure Plan which identifies the key structural elements within the municipality. Schedule J: Urban Structure Plan identifies the intersection of Tecumseh Road and Lauzon Parkway as a Regional Commercial Centre. Schedule G: Civic Image identifies Lauzon Road as a Civic Way. These elements provide the following:

Regional Commercial Centre: the subject site is north of a Regional Commercial Centre, which are classified as a Major Activity Centre in Chapter 3 of the Official Plan (policy

Regional Commercial Centres are a type of Major Activity Centre where commercial services are provided to residents across the city and region. This type of node also provides the location for serving the daily and weekly shopping needs of residents living within or near the node. Regional Commercial Centres may also function as employment centres providing population serving offices, retail, personal services and local institutions.

Allowing residential intensification in proximity to Major Activity Centres supports the vibrancy of these nodes.

Civic Way: refers to designated roads within Windsor that are intended to be designed to: