Development & Heritage Committee Meeting 10,
August , 2020

7.3 Z-013/20 [CDM/6084] – Green Smart Apartments Inc 1198 California Ave – Zoning Ward 2

Planner Adam Szymczak, Planner III – Zoning

Mr. Szymczak provides a detailed summary of the application.

Ms. Tracey Pillon-Abbs (agent) and Mr. Andi Shallvari (applicant) are available for questions and are in support of the recommendations, noting it is a semi-detached and does not impact requirements for the area.

Councillor Holt inquires to location of parking. Ms. Pillon-Abbs advises location is on-site, in front.

Councillor Morrison inquires whether there were any comments from Windsor Fire or Windsor Police. Mr. Szymczak informs there were no comments from either Fire or Police.

Member Moore notes concern over what may be becoming an undesirable condition of California Ave prompting comments from Thom Hunt (City Planner) explaining the Interim Control By-law, proximity to Institutional properties and taking area conditions into account.

Member Rondot inquires of any caps to applications in the area. Mr. Hunt, Mr. Szymczak and Mr. Bortolin all comment advising maximum permitted units of four (4). Mr. Bortolin adds that any single unit could maximize its space to 3 units without amending the current by-law prompting Mr. Rondot to comment that a renter could rent out each bedroom per unit to which each renter may have a vehicle.

Councillor Holt inquires whether the City is being consistent pertaining to parking in the area. Mr. Szymczak notes that he believes the zoning allows for 50% of front yard can be paved to allow for front on-site parking. Applications that were denied front on-site parking had alternative parking available in the rear via the alley. That is not the case with this application. The alley in the rear is closed.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 189


THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED by changing the zoning of Part of Lots 11 & 12 & Part of Alley, Registered Plan 1120, and Part of Lot 66, Concession 1, Sandwich West (known municipally as 1198 California Avenue; Roll No. 050-370-05100; PIN 01215-0533), situated on the east side of California Avenue, south of Girardot Street, from Residential District 1.3 (RD1.3) to Residential District 2.1 (RD2.1) and by adding a site specific exception to Section 20(1) as follows: