The owner proposes to redevelop the site for residential use which requires the filing of a Record of Site Condition (RSC) with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. The owner has completed a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) study to support the redevelopment plan. The Phase I ESA study identified areas of potential environmental concern and recommends a Phase II ESA study be completed to assess the soil and groundwater quality and delineate the extent of any contamination. The Phase II ESA study is required to support the filing of a RSC.

Clearly identifying the type and delineating the extent of any contamination is an essential step in moving forward with redevelopment plans. Upon completion the City would retain a copy of the final study report.

CIP Goals

City staff is supportive of the application as it meets all of the eligibility requirements specified within the Brownfield Redevelopment CIP. The proposed study of the subject site also supports the following CIP goals:

Policy Support

The study of brownfield sites to support clean up and redevelopment is supported by policies within the 2020 Provincial Policy Statement, the City’s Official Plan and the City’s Environmental Master Plan.

Risk Analysis:

As with all brownfield sites, there is a degree of risk associated related to the potential presence of contamination. In this case there is also a risk of the property remaining in a derelict state, which negatively affects the surrounding properties. The proposed study will assist in mitigating these risks. The City would retain a copy of the study for future reference.

Financial Matters:

The cost estimate (excluding HST) for completing the proposed Phase 2 ESA study is $27,500. If approved, the maximum grant would total $13,750. Should the actual costs