III. That part of the closed Meighen Road on the south side of Milloy Street be established as a public highway.

Executive Summary:



On April 8, 2013, Council adopted a motion (M135-2013) to approve the rezoning of lands located on the south side of Milloy Street between Meldrum and Chandler Roads, described as Parts 1 to 24 (inclusive) 12R-25458 from GD1.1 and ID1.1 to RD1.1 for development of single unit dwellings, and GD1.1 to ID1.1 for development of a school.

The lands that are the subject of this 2020 rezoning application, were rezoned in 2013 to RD1.1. A Fire Station was, subsequently, built at the southeast corner of Chandler and Milloy on the north part of the parcel municipally known as 3121 Milloy Street.