The proposed building conversion requires a site specific application for Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA). The following explains the amendments.

4.1 Official Plan Amendment (OPA)

A site specific Official Plan Amendment (OPA) is required in order to permit the proposed residential development.

It is proposed to amend the existing “Commercial Corridor” designation with the addition of residential as a permitted use.

Further analysis is provided in Section 5 of this PRR.

4.2 Zoning By-Law Amendment (ZBA)

A Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) is required in order to permit the proposed residential development.

A site specific zoning exception is required as the proposed residential use is not permitted in the CD2.1 zone category.

It is proposed to change the zoning of the Site from the existing “Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1)” zoning to a site specific “Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1 - XX)” with the addition of residential as a permitted use in the form of a Multiple Dwelling with seven (7) units.

Further analysis is provided in Section 5 of this PRR.

4.3 Supporting Studies

No additional studies are required to be submitted in support of the applications.