Immigrants by selected place of birth

Presently, immigrants are mainly arriving from Asia as opposed to Europe, which was the most common continent of origin in previous decades. China is the most common place of birth for immigrants living in the study area since 13% of the local immigrant population were born in China. The second most common place of birth is India, taking up 9% of the total immigrant population in the study area. The United States, other places in Asia, and Viet Nam are some other common places of birth. In comparison, the top three most common immigrants’ places of birth in the City of Windsor are Iraq, the United States, and Italy, with each country taking up 8% of the entire immigrant population. Some other common places of birth include the United Kingdom and Lebanon.

Admission Category and Applicant type

In the study area, the largest proportion of immigrants are admitted as economic immigrants since this category takes up 40% of the entire immigrant population. Refugees make up the second-largest group as 31% of the study area immigrant residents have been admitted as refugees. The last significant admission category is comprised of immigrants sponsored by families, and this category makes up 28% of the immigrant population of the study area. With the exception of other immigrants, the immigration admission categories for Windsor is nearly evenly split between economic immigrants, refugees, and immigrants sponsored by families.