D.5 Education

In the study area, 51% of the population aged 15 years and over have some form of completed post-secondary education, which could be an apprenticeship, trade, college, or university certificate, diploma, or degree. This figure is identical to that of the City as a whole. Thirty-two percent of the study area residents have at least a secondary school diploma or certificate, which is slightly above Windsor’s 31%. While the study area contains 17% of individuals without any form of certificate, diploma, or degree, 18% of people residing in the City of Windsor do not have a certificate, diploma, or degree.

Upon closer examination, education levels in Census Tract 27 and Census Tract 29 are drastically different from that of the entire City. Twenty-five percent of the population living in Census Tract 27 are without any certificate, diploma or degree, so the number is significantly higher than the City’s 18%; Census Tract 29 only has 7% of people with such education level, which is less than half of Windsor’s figure. There are 63% of Census Tract 29 residents who are post-secondary graduates, and this figure is substantially higher than Windsor’s 51%; on the other hand, only 38% of the people living in Census Tract 27 have obtained post-secondary education, which is considerably lower than the City’s average.