ENWIN UTILITIES (Hydro Engineering) – Cecile Dalgleish , June 17, 2020

No Objection, provided adequate clearances are achieved and maintained. ENWIN has existing overhead pole lines along the east limits of the site with 16,000 volt primary and 120/240 volt secondary hydro distribution. ENWIN has existing overhead pole lines along the west limits of the site with 120/240 volt streetlight distribution.

Prior to working in these areas, we would suggest notifying your contractor and referring to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects to confirm clearance requirements during construction.

Also, we suggest referring to the Ontario Building Code for permanent required clearances for New Building Construction.

ENWIN UTILITIES (Water Engineering) – Cecile Dalgleish, June 17, 2020

Water Engineering has no objections to the rezoning.

WINDSOR FIRE & RESCUE SERVICES – John Lee, June 15, 2020

No Concerns