Milloy Street
Storm Sewer: 900mm Reinforced Concrete PipeChandler Road
Sanitary Sewer: 250mm PVC
Storm Sewer: 525mm Reinforced Concrete Pipe

Meldrum Road
Sanitary Sewer: 250mm PVC
Storm Sewer: 600mm Reinforced Concrete Pipe

A servicing study is required for this development in order to confirm capacity exists in the proposed sewer outlets from this site. The City completed a sewer rehabilitation project on Meldrum in 2007, existing services should be reused if possible as per Engineering Best Practice BP1.3.3.

Storm water management completed in accordance with the Windsor/Essex Region Stormwater Management Standards Manual and a site grading plan will be required. As per the revised stormwater analysis, the stormwater management pond will be expanded into Lot 23 due to storage requirements. This will result in the loss of Lot 23 as a possible building lot.

In summary, we have no objections to this application. Given there will be no formal agreement for the proposed City development the Right-of-Way Division will issue a Street Opening Permit for the proposed development. The Engineering Department recommends the following conditions are included as requirements of the rezoning approval:

Street Opening Permit – The applicant agrees to obtain street opening permits for sewer taps, drain taps, road construction, sidewalks, street lights, etc. from the City Engineer, prior to commencement of any construction on the public highway.

Development Agreement – The applicant agrees to conform to the General Provisions of Council Resolutions 233/98 and any other specific requirements.

Municipal Address Plan – The applicant shall agree prior to issuance of a Building Permit, to submit a Municipal address plan for the subject lands.

Servicing Study – Prior to the issuance of a Street opening permit, the applicant shall agree to review the existing and proposed sewer system for this development to determine its affect on the municipal sewer system. The study shall be done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Chief Building Official. The applicant is required to demonstrate that no negative impacts will be realized by the existing surrounding community, before the proposed development will be allowed to proceed.

Sidewalks – The applicant agrees to construct, at its entire expense, according to City of Windsor Standard Specifications and in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer, a concrete sidewalk on one side of Meighen Road.

Meighen Road Cul-De-Sac – The applicant(s) agree to construct a cul-de-sac with a minimum radius of 9.5m at the southerly limit of the Meighen Road extension.

Reserve – The applicant shall agree that dead-ended highways shall terminate in 0.3 metre reserve block.