2.2.4 Topography

The Site is flat and is outside the regulated area of the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA).

2.2.5 Other Physical Features

The property currently has a laneway to the rear of the building to access the parking area, and a sidewalk along the front of the building.

There is a chain link fence along the rear of the Site.

2.2.6 Municipal Services

The property has access to municipal water, storm and sanitary services.

Tecumseh Road East has sidewalks on both sides of the street. The nearest hydrant is located on the south side of Tecumseh Road East at the intersection of Glendale Ave.

The subject property is in close proximity to major roadways including Jefferson Blvd located one block to the east.

2.2.7 Nearby Amenities

There are several schools nearby including Herman Academy, Coronation Public School, Windsor Islamic Academy and William G. Davis Public School.

There are many parks and recreation opportunities in close proximity of the Site including Pykes Park, John Atkinson Memorial Park and Ypres Park, as well as other East Windsor Parks green space.

There are nearby commercial uses in the form of plazas and malls. Mr. Lube, a motel and medical clinic is located across the street. Factory Auto Sound is located to the east of the Site. FreshCo and Dollarama is located nearby.

The is also nearby employment lands, churches and local/regional amenities.

The Site has access to transit, with multiple bus stops west of the site long Tecumseh Road East and Rivard Ave (Transway 1C).

2.3 Surrounding Land Uses

Overall, the Site is located within an area with a mix of commercial and residential uses. The commercial uses are predominately along Tecumseh Road East, with residential uses to the rear and along nearby side streets, such as Glendale Ave, Clemenceau Blvd and Joe St. Louis Blvd.