The fact that the proposal is supported by provincial and municipal planning policy, and the Site is suitable for the intended use on a number of criteria attests that the proposal represents good planning.

6.1.4 Natural Environment Impacts

The proposal does not have any negative natural environment impacts, as there are no natural heritage features on the Site.

6.1.5 Municipal Services Impacts

There will be no negative impacts on the municipal system as the residential development is limited to low profile and will not add to the capacity in a significant way.

6.1.6 Social and/or Economic Conditions

The proposed development does not negatively affect the social environment as the Site is in close proximity to major transportation corridors, transit, open space and community amenities.

Infilling in an existing mixed use area contributes toward the goal of ‘live, work and play’ where citizens share a strong sense of belonging and a collective pride of place.

The proposed re-development promotes efficient development and land use pattern which sustains the financial well-being of the municipality.

The proposal does not cause any public health and safety concerns. The proposal represents a cost effective development pattern that minimizes land consumption and servicing costs.

Based on the Site area the proposed development will result in a total net density, which is appropriate for the area.

There will be no urban sprawl as the proposed development is within the existing settlement area and is an ideal infilling opportunity.

6.2 Conclusion

The proposal to convert the existing building on the Site from commercial use to residential use is appropriate and should be approved by the City of Windsor.

This PRR has shown that the proposed development is suitable intensification of affordable residential use, is consistent with the PPS, conforms with the intent and purpose of the City of Windsor OP and represents good planning.

The report components for this PRR have set out the following, as required under the City of Windsor OP: