Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Committee Meeting
July 13, 2020

Moved by: Councillor Morrison

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 175

THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED by changing the zoning of Lot 42, Part of Lot 43, and Part of Alley, Block D, Registered Plan 50 (known municipally as 1091 California Avenue; Roll No. 050-370-10200; PIN 01221-0330), situated on the west side of California Avenue, north of Girardot Street, from Residential District 1.3 (RD1.3) to Residential District 2.1 (RD2.1) and by adding a site specific exception to Section 20(1) as follows:

391. WEST SIDE OF CALIFORNIA AVENUE, NORTH OF GIRARDOT STREET For the lands comprising of Lot 42, Part of Lot 43, and Part of Alley, Block D, Registered Plan 50, for a Semi-Detached Dwelling the minimum lot width shall be as existing .
[ZDM 4; ZNG/6056]

Report Number: S 77/2020

Clerk’s File: ZB/13810

7.3. Z-007/20 ZNG/6057 - Rosati Development Corp -Part Lot 15, Concession 5 - 525-535 Cabana Road E - Ward 9

Jim Abbs (author), Senior Planner - presents the application.

Melanie Muir (agent), Dillon Consulting – presents the application and is available for questions.

William Good – is available for questions.

Donald O’Neil – states he accepts affidavit.

Al Bertoia – states he accepts affidavit.

Mr. Abbs states that the Zoning By-Law does not pertain to the items listed on the affidavit, such as; music, hours etc. and anything else would be an agreement between the applicant and the neighbors.

Mrs. Muir states that personal service use was added to the application.

Member Rondot asks if we are able to move without public process. Mr. Abbs answers that the Committee can if the Committee desires to do so.

Member Rondot would like to move with a motion that Site Plan Control notes the addition of personal service shop, exclusion of patio and drive through and recognize the affidavit on the other restrictions.

Chair Bortollin asks if we can we make the motion putting stimulations on the title that Mrs. Muir raised. Mrs. Vandrasco answers that it can be added in as additional information or the Committee can defer.