Location: The subject parcel is located on the south side of Tecumseh Road on the block between Jos St. Louis Avenue and Clemenceau Boulevard. Glendale Avenue is located to the North of the Site. The property is municipally known as 5787, 5791, and 5795 Tecumseh Road East and legally described as Part Lot 4 Plan 867 Sandwich East as in R1238383; Windsor (PIN 01367-0237).

Applicant: Zeshan Choudhry

Agent: Payne Municipal Consulting, C/O Hilary Payne, and Pillon Abbs Inc., C/O Tracey Pillon-Abbs, RPP has been retained to undertake a planning justification report.

Registered Owner: 2705285 Ontario Limited

Proposal: The applicant requests a site specific amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 to permit the conversion of the two (2) existing commercial units to two (2) residential units, as identified on the conceptual drawing. The subject property is zoned Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1) in Zoning By-law 8600, with four residential units on the second floor and two commercial units and one (1) residential unit on the ground floor.

The subject property is designated ‘Commercial Corridor’ in the City of Windsor Official Plan permitting primarily retail, wholesale stores, services oriented uses and to a lesser extent office uses. The applicant also requests an Official Plan Amendment to permit ground floor residential as a Special Policy area in the City’s Official Plan.

The subject property is occupied by a two (2) storey commercial building with four (4) residential units on the second floor and two (2) commercial units and one (1) residential unit on the ground floor. All commercial units will be converted to residential for a total number of seven (7) residential units.

The applicant proposes a site specific amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 to permit a multiple dwelling unit by changing the zoning from a Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1) to Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2). As part of this request the applicant also requires an Official Plan Amendment to permit ground floor residential as a Special Policy Area in the City’s Official Plan. Section 24.20 of Zoning By-law 8600 requires eight (8) Parking spaces for the number of residential units being proposed. Section 24.22 requires one (1) parking space to be marked as visitor parking spaces. Eleven (11) parking spaces currently exist on the site. Therefore, there is sufficient parking on site to accommodate the new residential units. Section requires an Amenity Area per unit. As suggested in the Planning Rational Report, no amenity space has been proposed because the site is in close proximity to nearby parks.

SUBMISSIONS BY APPLICANT: Applications (ZBA), Planning Justification Report, proposed concept plan for first floor.