the current conditions in the study area, and understand the needs and opportunities along the two corridors.

The two corridors are along arterial roads that both connect the University of Windsor main campus to Downtown Windsor. The two corridors are approximately 2km in length and stretch from Huron Church Road to Crawford Avenue. The study area ends at Crawford because this is the common boundary line shared with the Downtown Windsor Enhancement Strategy and Community Improvement Plan (Downtown CIP), which covers the downtown area. Huron Church Road is a physical boundary that has a clear delineation between the east and west of Huron Church Road. However, the University Avenue West and Wyandotte Street West CIP and Downtown CIP should be coordinated to ensure a consistent approach. If there is an incentive program proposed for this CIP that would make sense to extend into the downtown, then the Downtown CIP will be amended.

Mainly the background report reviews the properties that are directly abutting the two corridors. The final CIP will make specific recommendations in targeted areas along the corridor. However, the data collected for the demographic section of the Background Report includes a larger study area to understand the characteristics of the residents and conditions of buildings that are within the vicinity of the two corridors as these are the people that are most likely to travel along the corridor and visit the businesses along the two corridors. Additionally, Statistics Canada collects data within Census Tracts which have predetermined boundaries. The Census Tracts that include the two corridors along Wyandotte Street and University Avenue are larger than the corridors, but as mentioned above include the neighbourhoods that are adjacent to the corridors.

Community Improvement Project Area

The Planning Act requires the Community Improvement Project Area be approved by By-law before the Community Improvement Plan is adopted by By-law. Part or all of the Municipality can be included in a CIP Project Area. Only within the boundaries of the Project Area can the incentives of the CIP be offered. The areas that are being reviewed for the purposes of the CIP are along the two corridors, however targeted incentives may be applied only to areas specified by a more defined boundary.

CIP Direction

The final CIP document that is anticipated in November will make recommendations for incentive programs and policy changes to address the issues in the CIP document. The public will be consulted prior to returning to Council with the final CIP. The purpose of the public consultation will be to ensure that the public agrees with the issues identified along the corridors, agrees with the recommendations, and that the public is able to offer comments.

The Background Report provides data on the corridors to offer a snapshot of the existing conditions. From this data we can gather information that provides direction for the preparation of the CIP. The following is a summary of the major findings from the Background Report that will be addressed in the CIP:

Redevelopment Areas and Vacant Land – A collection of properties along University Avenue West are either vacant or underutilized, and they provide major opportunities for