Overall, the Site is located within an area with a mix of commercial and residential uses. The commercial uses are predominately along Tecumseh Road East, with residential uses to the rear and along nearby side streets, such as Glendale Ave, Clemenceau Blvd and Joe St. Louis Blvd.

North of subject lands: A mix of commercial and low density Dwelling units exist. Across the street along Tecumseh Road East a Mr. Lube auto service centre and motel exist within a ‘Commercial District 2.1’ (CD2.1) zoning category. Single family residential dwellings flank both sides of Glendale Avenue within a ‘Residential District 1.2’ (RD1.2) zoning category.

East of the subject lands: commercial and low density residential exist in a ‘Commercial District 2.1’ (CD2.1) zoning category.

South side of the subject lands: a ninety-eight (98) unit, six (6) storey apartment building exists in a ‘Residential District 3.4’ (RD3.4) zoning category.

West side of the subject lands: the lands west of the Site are primarily used for commercial, however there is a single detached dwelling neighboring the Site in a ‘Commercial District 2.1’ (CD2.1) zoning category.

Site photos (Google Street View, September 2017 and from the March 31st, Planning Justification Report) were attached to this report as Appendix A to identify the surrounding land uses and the context of the subject neighbourhood.


Sanitary sewer/Storm sewer: Separated Sanitary and Storm sewers exist along the Tecumseh Road East right-of-way.

Water Fire hydrants: Fire Hydrant on the north-east corner within the public right-of-way at the corner of Glendale Avenue. Fire Hydrant on the northeast corner within the public right of way of the property located at 5837 Tecumseh Road East. Fire Hydrant on the northwest corner in the public right-0f-way of 5709-5799 Tecumseh Road East.

Tecumseh Road East: Class II Arterial

Transit Windsor Bus: The Site has access to transit, with multiple bus stops west of the site along Tecumseh Road East and Rivard Ave. The Transway 1C & Ottawa 4 routes services the area with the closest bus stops being located on Rivard Avenue at Tecumseh Road East. They are approximately 300 metres in distance from this property falling within our 400 metre walking distance average to a bus stop.
