Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, July 13, 2020

the Church has learned about the requirements relating to the building permit application, and in order to meet the Building Code requirements, the Church must hire professional services for the permit application, which is the reason for the additional financial support requested at this time. Ms. Tang indicates that the Church is requesting $21,357 to cover these additional unanticipated costs. Ms. Tang concludes by indicating that administration is recommending approval of the grant request as well as to delegate authority to the City Planner for the minor alterations as required and for the deletion of the conditions of the previous Council Resolution as those conditions would be fulfilled per the building permit application.

Fr. Nicolae Condrea

Fr. Nicolae Condrea appears via video conference before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Descent of the Holy Ghost Romanian Orthodox Church, 2895 Seminole Street – Community Heritage Fund Request (Ward 5) and is available for questions.

Ms. Baker inquires about the additional funding request. Ms. Tang responds that the Church had difficulty in acquiring the right people to do the work at the right price. The contractor they selected was from Alberta who was unaware of the practices in Ontario; thus, they had to ensure everything was up to code through communication with the Building Department, which significantly added cost to the project.

Councillor Sleiman inquires about the funding request. David Ziraida, President Parish Council appears via video conference before the Development & Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Descent of the Holy Ghost Romanian Orthodox Church, 2895 Seminole Street – Community Heritage Fund Request (Ward 5) and responds by indicating that the change resulted in the costs associated with the building permit application and they were unaware that they had to pay for professional involvement in the process; as a result, the $21,357 was unanticipated as they are a church doing this for the first time.

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman

Seconded by: Member Foot

Decision Number: DHSC 177

  1. THAT the request by the Descent of the Holy Ghost Romanian Orthodox Church for a grant of an upset amount of $21,357 from the Community Heritage Fund (Reserve Fund 157), for the Building Permit Services required for the roof dome replacement at 2895 Seminole Street, BE APPROVED, subject to:

  1. Determination by the Chief Building Official and the City Planner that the work is completed to applicable codes and heritage conservation standards;

  2. Owner’s submission of paid receipts for work completed;