OP Policy # Policy Response
  between 20 to 35 units per net hectare.This density range provides for low and some medium-density intensification to occur in existing neighbourhoods. Multiple dwelling buildings with medium and high-densities are encouraged at nodes identified in the Urban Structure Plan. There is adequate buffering from abutting land uses through the use of existing setbacks.
4.0 The implementing healthy community policies are interwoven throughout the remainder of the Plan, particularly within the Environment, Land Use, Infrastructure and Urban Design chapters, to ensure their consideration and application as a part of the planning process. The proposed development will support the City’s goal of promoting a healthy community (live, work and play).The proposed development is close to nearby transit, employment, shopping, local/regional amenities and parks/trails.
5.0 A healthy and sustainable environment represents a balance between human activities and natural features and functions. In order to attain this balance, Council will enhance the quality of Windsor’s natural environment and manage development in a manner that recognizes the environment as the basis of a safe, caring and diverse community and a vibrant economy. The proposed development will support the City’s goal of a healthy and sustainable environment.The Site is pedestrian friendly as there are sidewalks which link to the surrounding amenities.The Site is level which is conducive to easy vehicular movements.There are no anticipated traffic concerns, no environmental concerns, and no expected hazards.
6.0 - Preamble A healthy and livable city is one in which people can enjoy The proposed development supports the policy set out in