1. By-law______has the following purpose and effect: area

To amend the zoning of the lands located on the south side of Milloy Street, between Meldrum Road and Chandler Road, described as Lots 99 to 109; Lots 142 to 152 & Pt closed Alley, RP 1098, designated as PARTS 1 to 3 12R25458, and Lots 16 to 18, 220 to 222, Pt lot 219, Pt closed Alley, RP 1098, by changing the zoning from Residential District 1.1 to Residential District 1.2 with holding symbol, to allow for the development of 28 single unit dwellings on 28 existing building lots within a Registered Plan of survey, each lot having a minimum width of 40ft (12m) and complying with the lot size (lot width and area) requirements of RD1.2 zoning.

To also amend the zoning of the lands located on the south side of Milloy Street, east side of Chandler Road, described as Lots 19, 20, 223 & 224 and Part closed Alley, RP 1098, by changing the zoning from Residential District 1.1 to Green District 1.5 in order to accommodate a storm management facility that will service the subject development and mitigate potential adverse impact of the proposed development on existing storm sewers in the subject area.

2. Key map showing the location of the lands to which By-law_____applies.